Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Friday is Contractor Party Day

Friday morning came, and we were having a contractor and sub contractor party. Which was good, because we had a very big, heavy piece of furniture to move. When I found my big giant pear seat for two, I also came across a beautiful mid century danish credenza in perfect condition for a pretty sweet price. I had fantasies of how lovely it would look in Jesse's future office. What I didn't realize, was that It weighs about 200 pounds. After moving the craigslist couch and everything else, my back was done, and that credenza lay in the middle of the driveway outside. There was not a chance in hell I was moving that one more inch. 

Jesse decided that it couldn't sit in the middle of the driveway, so he put it on a large tarp and dragged it into the carport.

The guys arrived while I was dropping off the uhaul, and when I came back, I saw the 200 pound credenza and made a mental note to remind Jesse that he hadn't asked the guys to move it yet. 

When I got inside, there were guys everywhere. An HVAC guy in the basement, some guys outside looking at the siding, an electrician, and a plumber. We were all having conversations at once, and it was very efficient, because we could talk to the electrician about what could be done while the siding is off, and the HVAC guy AND plumber together about the pros and cons of radiant heat. I want radiant heat. The house currently has a disconnected wood burning furnace (didn't know those ever existed), and an oil burning furnace. Someone poo poo'd the idea of using bio diesel, though I have to look into why that won't work. Eventually, we want to be off the grid, so the HVAC guy says geothermal is the way to go and would work with radiant heat. He eased my fears about radon and said "go visit the website". The plumber said the only way radiant heat would work is if we convince the natural gas people to run a line to our house. I don't want natural gas, but running radiant heat from electricity is cost prohibitive. Yada yada yada, time to be an expert on everything at once. This all started with - the siding is rotten and we need to replace the sagging roof beam. One thing for sure, I like all these guys, and am confident in their abilities.

We said goodbye to everyone, and turned off the cartoons. Time to digest everything.

Oh wait, did anyone ask the guys if they could move the credenza? Crap.


  1. Just want to let you know how much I'm enjoying the blog. It feels like I am vicariously sharing your experiences -- which I guess is the whole point. Can't wait to visit the farm in real life...and since you're so well organized, please be sure to have a 'to do' list for us so we can be helpful in any way we can.

  2. Leah...I didn't know you were quite the writer. I have enjoyed the blog! :)

  3. oh you two are so sweet. thanks! I appreciate the support.
